Freedom of Information Act
It is the public policy of this State that public bodies exist to aid in the conduct of the people's business and that the people have a right to be informed as to the conduct of their business.
- Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1.
Pursuant to the fundamental philosophy of the American constitutional form of government, it is declared to be the public policy of the State of Illinois that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts and policies of those who represent them as public officials and public employees consistent with the terms of this Act. Such access is necessary to enable the people to fulfill their duties of discussing public issues fully and freely, making informed political judgments and monitoring government to ensure that it is being conducted in the public interest.
- Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1.
Fulfilled FOIA Requests
Date of Request |
Requested By |
Item(s) Requested |
Request Submission |
Hours to Prepare |
1/17/2025 | Molly Hudgens | Non-Commercial Request: A list in Microsoft Excel, of all school district custodial and building maintenance staff, including but not limited to custodian, maintenance, building attendant, truck driver, head custodian, and night custodian, current as of the date of this request (January 17, 2025), with the following columns: a. Custodian Name b. Job Title c. Part-Time or Full-Time d. Standard Weekly Hours e. Annual Budgeted Hours f. Annual Budgeted Salary g. Hourly Rate, h. Hire Date | View Request | 15 min |
1/15/2025 | Sheila Norman | Please provide the name and email address of any certified staff (teachers, administrators, counselors, etc,) who are retiring this year. | View Request | 5 min |
1/13/2024 | Owen Wang | How many "migrants" (e.g. illegal aliens/non-U.S. citizens) are enrolled in your school district, currently? | View Request | 5 min |
12/10/2024 | Reid, Sheri | Commercial Request-Purchasing Records from 11/15/2024 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumbrance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 1 hr |
10/17/2024 | Anthony Wallk | A copy of the documentation (or an Email Confirmation) Stating the Awarded Contractor for the "2025 General Remodeling Pennoyer School" Project Bid Date 9/25/2024 | View Request | 10 min |
9/27/2024 | Julie Dustin | I am looking for the companies who submitted bids and their bid amounts. | View Request | 10 min |
9/19/2024 | Wang, Owen | A pdf copy of the student evacuation plan in case of an active shooting. | View Request | 10 min |
9/11/2024 | Reid, Sheri | Commercial Request-Purchasing Records from 7/1/2024 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumbrance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 1 hr |
8/30/2024 | Wang, Owen | The official enrollment for each schools, as reported to the state for the new school year. | View Request | 10 min |
8/29/2024 | Wang, Owen | Copy of each schools calendar fo the upcoming school year | View Request | 10 min |
8/27/2024 | Wang, Owen | List of all available school student activites and clubs for the new school year, as well a their faculty sponsor name. | View Request | 30 min |
8/22/2024 | Wang, Owen | List of all new teachers and staff with the following data points for the the upcoming school year in your school district: Name, School Name, Title, Bio, Photo | List of all leaving or retiring teachers and staff with the following data points for the upcoming school year in your school district: Name, School Name, Title, Years of Service | View Request | 30 min |
8/16/2024 | Wang, Owen | List of all teachers and staff, including the following data points, for all schools in your district for the upcoming school year: Staff/Teacher Name, School Name, Title, Salary | View Request | 30 min |
8/7/2024 | Mora, Riccardo | A copy of the Certificate of Tax Levy for the last 10 years including the signed and dated completed bottom or additional page response from Cook County. | View Request | 1.5 hrs |
6/26/2024 | V, Vance, Creative Energy | I am seeking the following information: 1. Email addresses for school board/trustees within the school district. 2. Email addresses and job titles of all current teachers within the school district. 3. Email addresses and job titles of all current principals within the school district. 4. Email addresses and job title of current superintendent. 5. Email addresses and job titles of all current administrative staff within the school district. | View Request | 10 min |
6/13/2024 | Reid, Sheri | Commercial Request-Purchasing Records from 3/18/2024 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumbrance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 10 min |
6/11/2024 | Price, Paul | I am requesting the certified payroll submitted by Troop Contracting for Project #2023.071, Additions & Remodeling, Pennoyer School (Pennoyer School District 79) | View Request | 2 hrs |
5/14/24 | Gliebe, Bryn |
I would like to formally request the following information in regards to printing office technology and maintenance: 1. All contracts and agreements, commitments and arrangements, 2. Leases associated with Multi-function printers, 3. Leases associated with single-function printers, 4. Leases associated with production printing presses and units, 5. Print management software, 6. Toner/ink that the district is using. |
View Request | 15 min |
3/15/24 | Reid, Sheri | Commercial Request-Purchasing Records from 12/19/2023 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumbrance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
1/17/24 | Mihelich, Nathan | Please provide the name and email address of any certified staff (teachers, administrators, nurses, counselors, etc.) whoa re retiring this year. | View Request | 5 min |
1/2/24 | Wallk, Anthony | Copy of the Awarded Results for the "Additions and Remodeling at Pennoyer School" | View Request | 15 min |
12/16/23 | Reid, Sheri | Commercial Request-Purchasing Records from 9/19/2023 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumbrance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
11/30/23 | Mendez, Gerardo | 1. Please provide copies of the bid tabulations | View Request | 5 min |
11/27/23 | Lee, Patrick | 1. I am doing public research and wouldlike your latest IAQ and Environmental Testing for your schools. I am seeking the actual report that includes mold spore sampling data for each of your schools. | View Request | 10 min |
11/16/23 | Casey, Katharine | 1. The names of the universal/core curricula currently used to teach reading in K-3 grade. 2. The grade levels these are used if there are multiple reading curricula. 3. The dates the reading curricula were purchased. 4. Are there plans to purchase different literacy curricula in the future? | View Request | 30 min |
10/17/23 | Rost, Michael | Commercial Request 1. A copy of the last property & casualty insurance renewal summary for all lines of insurance purchased by the school district (general liability, auto, workers comp, professional, directors and officers, etc.) This document summarizes the insurance terms, limits, deductibles, premium and exclusions. 2. A copy of the last employee benefits insurance renewal summary for health, dental and vision plans sponsored by the school district. This document shows plan options available to the district's employees and the pricing for employee, employee plus spouse, employee plus family. | View Request | Data Compiled by ESIC |
9/20/23 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. A copy of the bond recently passed in the 2023 election, including the date of issuance, the amount and repayment schedule. 2. A copy of all outstanding bonds prior to 2023, including date of issuance, the amount and repayment schedule. | View Request | 10 min |
9/17/23 | Reid, Sheri | Commercial Request-Purchasing Records from 6/7/2023 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumbrance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
9/11/23 | Asmus, Janine | Please identify (by employee name and work email address) each and every District employee who is certified as a school librarian (meaning they have the school library licensure and/or endorsement in library media) and who is currently working in that capacity in your District’s library/libraries/ media centers this academic school year. Please note that a “certified school librarian” may also be called a “District Librarian,” “certified media specialist,” or an “information specialist.” This request is NOT seeking parent volunteers or support staff members who are non-certified and working in a school library. The purpose of the request is to identify the number of certified school librarians working in Illinois Public School Districts. | View Request | 10 min |
7/26/23 | Smyser, Katy | Documents from January 1, 2013 to present, sufficient to show all communications (emails, letters, texts, board proceedings, or notes from phone calls) received by Pennoyer School District 79, which include a request to reconsider, ban, and/or challenge any book or any other material in our library or classrooms. The request includes the following documents: 1. The date of each such request; 2. The title(s) of each book(s) or other material that was requested to be pulled from your shelves or classrooms, as well as any reason stated by the requestor; 3. Any response (email, letters, texts, board proceedings, or notes from phone calls) from anyone in our district, your school board, or individual school, to each request; 4.The resolution of each request (i.e.:the book or material was removed completely; the book or material was partially restricted; the book or material remains on your shelves or in your classrooms; etc.). 5. Please provide any documented threats that have been received by Pennoyer School District 79, your school board, or any of your individual schools, librarians or teachers, via email, letters, texts, or voicemail recordings, that are related to books or other material kept in one of your libraries or classrooms. | View Request | 15 min |
7/11/23 | Espi, Vince | 1. Total spending on substitute teachers by school, for the past five years. Please provide the expenditure by year and school. 2. Number of substitute teacher days by school, for the past five years. Kindly provide the number of substitute teacher days for each year and school. 3. Per diem/payment schedule for substitute teachers for the past five years. Please provide the per diem rates or payment schedule used for substitute teachers during each year within the past five years. 4. Names of all substitute teachers, total days worked, and toatl payments made to them for the last five years. Please provide a list of substitute teachers who have worked within the school district for each yearwithin the past five years. Additionally, include the total number of days worked by each substitute teacher and the corresponding total payment made to them. | View Request | 6 hrs |
6/23/23 | Chatterton, Josiah | Current School Board Members, with the following data points: Full Name (First, Middle, Last), Date of Birth, Home Address, First Day of Service, Was this Board Member Appointed or Elected? | View Request | 10 min |
6/16/23 | Reid, Sheri | Commercial Request-Purchasing Records from 3/16/2023 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
6/15/23 | Smyser, Katy | All settlement agreements resolving FOIA lawsuits; All judgements or other court ordered requiring you to pay attorney fees, costs, and/or civil penalties in any FOIA lawsuits; All invoices form law firms for work on any FOIA lawsuits or Public Access Counselor reviews, where the lawsuit or PAC review was ultimately decided in favor of the requestor; All claims made to an insurance company for coverage involving a FOIA action; All studies, reports, or other records calculating or referencing the cost of FOIA lawsuits or PAC reviews on an annual or other time-period basis | View Request | 5 min |
6/8/23 | Espi, Vince | 1. Any contracts or agreements entered into between your school district and vendors providing Diversity , equity, and inclusion (DEI) services from January 1, 2019 to present day. 2. Invoices, payment records, or financial documentation related to payments made to DEI vendors during the specified period. 3. Any reports, assessments, or evaluations conducted by DEI vendors, including their findings and recommendations. 4. Communications, including emails, letters, and memos, exchanged between your school district and DEI vendors, discussing the provision of services or any related matters. | View Request | 5 min |
5/10/23 | Espi, Vince | Copies of all records (transactions, invoices, etc.) and email corrspondences with Lurie Children's Hospital from July 1, 2022 to present day. | View Request | 5 min |
4/10/23 | Espi, Vince | Please provide the following information: 1. A copy of your district's current mission statement 2. Copies of any previous mission statements, provided they have changed them in the recent past. | View Request | 15 min |
3/21/23 | Reid, Sheri | The specific information requested from your record keeping system is: 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address | 30 min | |
3/6/23 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. A Copy of the original bond, date and original amount stemming from the $1,720,000.00 Taxable GO Limited Refunding School Bond dated March 9, 2021 from your response of February 23, 2023. An explanation will suffice instead of copies of anything. 2. In your response dated March 3, 2023 you make reference to at $2,775,567.00 Non-Referendum Bond Sale under the HVAC Systems Replacement FY22-23 section. Is it $1,720,000 or $2,775,567 or a combination of both? 3. A copy of the notices placed in the newspaper and the date notices ran. 4. A copy of the minutes regarding the $2,775,567 Non-Referendum Bond. | View Request | 30 min |
3/3/23 | Mora, Riccardo | Identify the official enrollment used for the report card for the past 5 years. 2. In a video posted at your website Dr. Kopta says approximately $5.6 million was spent on critical life safety and infrastructure needs, please identify the sources of the $5.6 million approximately and how that $5.6 million was used/allocated. Approximate numbers are fine | View Request | 3 hrs |
2/15/23 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. A copy of all referendums since 2013, in lieu of the actual referendums, the amounts will suffice. It is my understanding that there were two limiting rate increase referendums and four bond referendums. 2. A copy of all outstanding bonds, amounts, date of issue and repayment schedule. | View Request | 2 hrs |
2/13/23 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. A copy of all quality reports for the past 10 calendar years, including the lead level found in each test, the name of the company doing the test and the cost for the tests. 2. A copy of the inspection report identifying the source of lead in the water, the name of the company identifying the source and the cost paid for the inspection. 3. A copy of all correspondence with the Village of Norridge regarding Pennoyer water quality. 4. A copy of all dated receipts for water filters purchased to remove lead and location in which they were installed. | View Request | 2 hrs |
2/6/23 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. A copy of all paperwork filed with the proper office for the upcoming referendum for the April 2023 election. 2. Identify all classes/courses NOT mandated by the state and the cost/charge paid by students to attend such classes/courses. 3. Identify all kindergarten and preschool classes/courses, the hours of said class/course and the cost/charge paid by students to attend such classes/courses. 4. Identify all Pennoyer superintendents start date and end date beginning in 1985. 5. Identify all principals' start date and end date prior to Mrs. Sue Miceli beginning in 1985. | View Request | 15 min |
1/27/23 | Chatterton, Josiah | Please provide the following: Employee Information, specifically teachers, with the following data points fo the years 2020, 2021, and 2022: First Name, Last Name, Postion/Job Title, Department, Pay Rate, Year to Date Gross Pay | View Request | 15 min |
1/26/23 | Mihelich, Nathan | Please provide the name and email address of any certified staff (teachers, admin, nurses, counselors, etc) who are retiring this year | View Request | 5 min |
1/19/23 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. A copy of the upcoming referendum for the April 2023 election. 2. Identify the current principal, date of hire and salary. 3. Identify previous principal to request #2, date of hire, salary and end date of employment. 4. Identify previous principal to request #3, date of hire, salary and end of employment. 5. Identify previous principal to request #4, date of hire, salary and end of employment. 6. Idenitfy previous principal to request #5, date of hire, salary and end of employment. 7. Identify previous principal to request #6, date of hire, salary and end date of employment. 8. A copy of the latest notice placed in the newspaper regarding property tax increases. | View Request | 1 hr |
12/21/22 | Reid, Sheri | Purchasing Records from 9/23/2022 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
12/14/22 | Espi, Vince | Current School Board Members: -Full name (First, middle, last) -Date of Birth - Home Address -First day of service -Was this board member appointed or elected |
View Request | 15 min |
9/22/22 | Reid, Sheri | Purchasing Records from 9/22/2022 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
7/8/22 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. A copy of all paperwork filed in 2021 for property taxes to be levied and collected in 2022 with the County and their response. 2. A copy of the notice, regarding request #1, placed in the newspaper and the date of publication. | View Request | 15 min |
6/1/22 | Mihelich, Nathan | Please provide the name and email address of any certified staff (teachers, admin, nurses, counselors, etc) who have announced their retirement for any date or year in the future. Please also include the year they plan to retire. | View Request | 1 min |
3/26/22 |
Yalcin, Zoe |
Purchasing Records from 12/26/2021 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. |
View Request |
30 min |
3/16/22 |
Fagg, Jonathan |
I request access to and/or a copy of data on reconsideration forms or other forms that challenge library books. For this request , please provide what can be shared of the following: -The title of the book (or other library resource) being challenged. -The action requested in such a challenge, and the outcome of such challenges.- Details on the reason for the challenge.- Whether the book (or other library resource) was a part of a curriculum or official program.- Such data over time, from Jan 2018 up until the most current date at the point of production.- Such data electronically, ideally in a spreadsheet format.- Any available information on the challenger-Any other available aggregated data relevant to such challenges |
View Request |
10 min |
3/9/22 |
Naughton, James P. |
FOLLOW UP REQUEST: Have any students in your school district during those same years (2019-2020, 2020-2021) been transferred to an alternative school that did not have an IEP, such that the transfer was purely disciplinary in nature? For example, a student who stood accused of gross disobediance and then the school board decided to transfer them to a general education, alternative school instead of expulsion. If so, how many each semester and year? |
View Request |
10 min |
2/28/22 |
Naughton, James P. |
"I am requesting that the following data for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years for District 79. In responding to this request, please divide the data into Fall and Spring semesters for each of the given school years. I believe these documents should be readily obtainable from the administrative staff at each respective school listed below: Pennoyer School- The number of parent(s), guardian(s), pupil(s), or other educational rights holder(s) who signed an agreement to transfer a student to an alternative school instead of proceeding to an expulsion hearing." |
View Request |
30 min |
2/24/22 | Novak, Tom | Name: Ted Novak Non Commercial Use. For the following members Sheila Wachholder, Phillip LaPalermo, David Tarjan, Maria Salvador, Gary Mohr, Dan Theberg, Luca Parisi. Or any other Elected/Leadership personal. This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, The Sunshine Act 5 U.S.C. § 552b, and The Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140). I request that an Electronic copy of the following documents be provided to me: A electronic copy of your Public Official Surety Bond required by Illinois (15 ILCS 405/3) (from Ch. 15, par. 203). A electronic copy of the governing board of education blanket surety bond if your board requires the members to be bonded under a blanket bond. A electronic copy of your Errors & Omissions (E&O), a Surety Liability Insurance policy, and the Duty of Care policy if applicable. A electronic copy of your school board General Obligation Bonds if applicable. A electronic copy of your general long term bond for the school board if applicable. A electronic copy of your school board Crime Policy if applicable. A electronic copy of your Risk Management Policy if applicable. A electronic copy of the following documents if applicable: ACORD 125, ACORD 126, ACORD 127, ACORD 128. The documents should indicate the policy number and the insured amount of the policy. A electronic copy of the Certificate of Liability if applicable. Public Officials and/or any other bonds pertaining to proof of liability and policies. **Based on any and all loses of financial responsibility due to negligence or dishonesty. Any and all based on the contract of terms and conditions. A electronic copy of the Faithful Performance Bond if applicable. A electronic copy of the Fidelity Bond if applicable. A electronic copy of the Public Employee Dishonesty Policy if applicable. A electronic copy of the Public Employee Blanket Bond if applicable. A electronic copy of the Statutory Bond if applicable. A electronic copy of the Official Bond if applicable. A electronic copy of the Official Bond if applicable. A electronic copy of the power of attorney for the surety bond company. A electronic copy of the Blanket Bond power of attorney for the surety bond company if applicable. A electronic copy of your oath of office. I am a private citizen seeking information concerning your public official surety bond, or the Errors & Omissions (E&O), and or the Duty of Care policy that you are required by the state of Illinois to obtain before swearing the oath of office. (15 ILCS 405/3) (from Ch. 15, par. 203) Sec. 3. Oath and Bond: Before entering upon the duties of his or her office, the Comptroller shall take and subscribe to the oath or affirmation prescribed by Article XIII, Section 3 of the constitution and shall give bond payable to the People of the State of Illinois in the sum of $1,000,000 by inclusion in the blanket bond or bonds or self-insurance program provided for in Sections 14.1 and 14.2 of the Official Bond Act. The bond shall be conditioned (i) on the faithful discharge of the Comptroller’s duties, (ii) on the delivery of all papers, books, records, and other property appertaining to his or her office, whole, safe, and undefaced, to the successor in office, and (iii) on the Comptroller giving such additional bonds as may be legally required. Public Official Surety Bond requests fall under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, The Sunshine Act 5 U.S.C. § 552b, The Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140), and by law you are obligated to supply me with this information. It is public knowledge in the State of Illinois that all school boards in the state and the superintendents are required to be bonded, carry an surety liability insurance policy, an Errors & Omissions, or a Duty of Care policy. | View Request | 30 min |
1/18/22 | Mihelich, Nathan | Please provide the name and email address of any certified staff (teachers, admin, nurses, counselors, etc) who are retiring this year | View Request | 10 min |
1/12/22 | Garcia, Karen | Commercial FOIA Request. "The specific information requested form your record keeping sysem: 1. First Name 2. Last Name 3. Position Title 4. Department 5. Direct Phone Nymber (if does not exist., list main phone # with extension) 6. Business Cell Phone (if provided by Pennoyer School District #79) 7. Email Address 8. Office Address (Address, City, State, Zip) | View Request | 10 min |
1/11/22 | Fagg, Jonathan | "I request access to and/or copy of documentation of remote learning equipment reported as missing, damaged, broken, stolen or otherwise unavailable for use. For this request, please provide the information in aggregate including (if available): type of device, school that device-assigned student attends, date of issuance, data or report of loss, and any other relevant information. In addition, please provide (if available) documentation showing the total number of remote learning equipment assigned. | View Request | 15 min |
12/26/21 | Yalcin, Zoe | Purchasing Records from 9/22/2021 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
10/21/21 | Espi, Vince | I am requesting electronic records of any contracts and documents relating to business with Panorama education, specifically: 1. a copy of the signed contract with Panorama 2. A list of all payments made to Panorama 3. Copies of all materials used by Panorama in training/curriculum per the contract 4. A list of all teachers and classes (students) who have been exposed or instructed to Panorama materials | View Request | 15 min |
10/19/21 | Soto, Bernadette | 1.Please provide the executed contract(s) between Pennoyer SD 79, JTE Construction, Schiller GlaSS Co, and Specialty Floors Inc for FY2020.| 2.Please provide any correspondence such as emails, submittals, certified payroll and pay out requests.| 3. Please provide any documents disclosing and or identifying general contractors/subcontractors. | 4.Please provide a list of schools the work was performed at for the FY requested. | View Request | 1 hr |
10/4/21 | Katy Smyser |
This is a three-part request. If these documents are controlled by a separate office or governmental entity, it’s likely I’ve sent a similar FOIA request to them as well. Conversely, if your office handles this material for other offices or departments, be aware that I’ve probably sent a FOIA request to them as well. I’m hoping that, wherever possible, such FOIAs can be combined, to avoid multiple offices having to respond with the same paperwork and data. First, I am requesting all documents, data, and/or spreadsheets sufficient to show all unclaimed funds under the control of Pennoyer School District 79 which have NOT been reported or transferred to the Illinois State Treasurer for inclusion in the state’s Unclaimed Property fund and database. This would include unclaimed money and property that is not yet old enough to be transferred to the Treasurer, including unclaimed refunds of any type; uncashed and/or “stale” checks or warrants; refunds or reimbursements for taxes, tuition, housing, incidentals, insurance payments, expenses, or any other type of refund or reimbursement; and all other unclaimed property and money which is currently under the control of your agency. For all documents, data or spreadsheets that contain information on these unclaimed funds, I am requesting all fields of data, including the specific amount of each unclaimed fund; the name and the address of each person or entity to which each fund is due; a description of what each piece of unclaimed property or money is; any control number or property number attached to each property; and any applicable dates connected with each piece of unclaimed property. Second, I am requesting documents, data, and/or spreadsheets showing all unclaimed property which your office HAS reported and/or transferred to the Illinois State Treasurer, in response to the requirements of Illinois’ Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, from January 1, 2016 to the present. I request that these documents, data and/or spreadsheets include all available fields, including the specific amount of each parcel of unclaimed property which was reported and/or transferred to the Illinois Treasurer’s office; a description of what the property or cash is; the name and address of the person or entity due the property or cash; any date associated with each parcel of unclaimed property or cash; and any control number or other reference number for the property or cash. Third, I am requesting documents, data and/or spreadsheets showing all claims for unclaimed property DUE TO Pennoyer School District 79 FROM the Illinois Treasurer’s Unclaimed Property fund, for which you have submitted a claim or documentation to the Illinois Treasurer’s Office, from January 1, 2016 to the present, including the amount of each property claimed; the date your office submitted the claim, the property ID number from the Illinois State Treasurer’s Unclaimed Property database, and the current status of each claim you submitted (i.e., whether you received the property or money, or whether the claim is still pending). |
View Request | 30 min |
9/30/21 | Espi, Vince |
(1) how much money has the district received under the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Grant program, otherwise known as ARP ESSER? Please provide totals and dates of receipts along with a grand total of money received from this program. (2) Section 2001(i) of the ARP Act requires any district that receives ARP ESSER funds to develop and make publicly available on its website, within 30 days after receiving its allocation, a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. Prior to making the plan public, the LEA must seek public comment on the plan and take such comments into consideration when developing the plan. Where is this plan available currently on your district web site? When did you publish the plan? Did you seek public comment on the plan? When/where/how? Please provide all documents relating to the communication of this plan to the general public. (3) Also under the ARP act, every district that receives ARP ESSER funds must develop a plan for its use of them and submit it to the Illinois State Board of Education within 90 days. Did you provide this plan to the Illinois State Board of Education? When? Please provide a copy of what you provided to ISBE. (4) ARP ESSER also requires enhanced reporting on spending of these funds from districts and the ISBE. Have you provided any reporting thus far? If so, please provide all reports. |
View Request | 30 min |
9/29/21 | Dedi, Preston | I am looking for Bid Results/Tabulations or Award for: 09/22/2021 Pennoyer School District No. 79 – HVAC Replacement & Toilet Room Remodeling at Pennoyer School Project (Cook County) Project Number: 2020.104 | View Request | 15 min |
9/29/21 | Espi, Vince |
A list of all materials in your district that fall under the 1619 project. For reference, the 1619 project contains works with the following titles and authors: ""America Wasn't a Democracy Until Black Americans Made It One"", essay by Nikole Hannah-Jones ""American Capitalism Is Brutal. You Can Trace That to the Plantation"", essay by Matthew Desmond and -A list of all books written by authors Ibram X. Kendi (aka Henry Rogers) or Robin DiAngelo that are used in curriculum or libraries in your school district. ""How False Beliefs in Physical Racial Difference Still Live in Medicine Today"", essay by Linda Villarosa |
View Request | 1 hr |
9/28/21 | Espi, Vince | All data of any faculty or student with (a) COVID-19 positive test results, (b) COVID-19 like symptoms or (c) close contacts to a confirmed COVID-19 case that were reported to the local health department over the previous seven days. -Please provide all details that were provided to the local health department | View Request | 30 min |
9/21/21 | Yalcin, Zoe | Purchasing Records from 6/15/2021/2021 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
8/29/21 | Tormis, Angel | Please send us copies of all active leases/licenses for cell towers, rooftop antennas or other wireless installations on property owned or managed by Pennoyer School District 79, Illinois along with 24 months of associated payment histories | View Request | 15 min |
8/20/21 | Eagle 3 Analytics |
1. Monthly Financial Statement (Reports) of Township School Treasurer 2. Emails To/From School Treaurer | View Request | 1 hr |
6/30/21 | Piersante, Mike | Requesting most recent copier/MFP contracts. Share pricing and proposal/contracts of the current vendor. | View Request | 15 min |
6/22/21 |
Doe, J |
We request the following inforamtion for paraprofessionals or instructional assistants in your district:1. Starting Wage Rate for FY21 2. Starting Wage Rate for FY22 3. Percentage or dollar increase for FY22 4. Current employee contribution toward health insurance premium 5. Copy of collective bargaining agreement (if unionized) 6. Whether you offer dental and/or vision. If so, what is employee percent contribution to either or both. Additional request rec'd 6/24/2021: Can you please forward the employer's monthly premium contibution toward pararpro health &dental insurance. | View Request | 15 min |
6/22/21 | Zoe Yalcin | Purchasing Records from 3/19/2021 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
3/18/21 | Zoe Yalcin | Purchasing Records from 12/15/2020 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumbrance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
3/3/21 | Ballis, George | 1. The total amount of grants or gifts or payments made by Tom Lupo and or Norwood Park Township to District 79 from 1/1/2014 to date. 2. The total amount of iPads or other electronic devices given to District 79 from 1/1/2014 to date. | View Request | 30 min |
2/22/21 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. Identify the number of board member seats up for election on April 6, 2021. 2. A copy of all nomination papers filed on behalf of all candidates regarding the April 6, 2021 consolidated election. 3. A copy of all the paperwork filed on behalf of write in candidates regarding the April 6, 2021 consolidated election. | View Request | 15 min |
2/8/21 | Jonathan Fagg ABC7 | I request access to and a copy of information related to student attendance from the start of the current school year until the most current date available upon production for both in-person and remote learning. For this request, please provide: • A breakdown of attendance rates by school. • Specify whether the attendance was in person or remote. • How was attendance tracked? | View Request | 30 min |
2/5/21 | Joe Sutton | I request that a digital copy (PDF) of the following documents be provided to me: • The district’s current website and/or content management system (CMS) provider contract. • The district’s current alerts and/or emergency notification provider contract. • The district’s current mobile app provider contract. • The district’s current learning management system (LMS) provider contract. | View Request | 15 min |
2/2/21 | Nathan Mihelich | Please provide the name and email address of any certified staff (teachers, administrators, nurses, counselors, etc.) who are retiring this year. | View Request | 5 min |
12/14/20 | Ken Deloian, SmartProcure |
Any and all purchasing records from 09/13/2020 (mm/dd/yyyy) to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable. The specific information requested from your record keeping system is: 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number |
View Request | 15 min |
9/21/20 | Nina Terebessy / Karyn Cooper | "Public Records" as of February 7, 2020, that pertain to Pennoyer School District's grievance procedures for responding to complaints of sexual harrassment (which includes but is not limited to sexual assault) and gender-based discrimination, as well as Pennoyer School District's anit-discrimination policy. More specifically, we request: 1. A copy of Pennoyer School District's current anti-harrassment and/or anti-discrimination policy; 2. copies of all documents outlining Pennoyer School District's current procedures for repsonding to sexual harrassment and gender-based discrimination, including both peer sexual harassment and discrimination and sexual harassment and discrimination between district employees and students; 3. copies of any other documents or guidelines that impact the application and enforcement of tese policies and procedures; and 4. the name and contact information of Pennoyer School District's designated Title IX coordinator. | View Request | 15 min |
9/11/20 | Mora, Riccardo |
1. A copy of all outstanding bonds including the original date of issue, repayment schedule including interest and principle including date each bond will be paid in full. 2. A copy of all outstanding bonds that were reissued/refinanced, the date of such reissue/refinance, payment schedule including interest and principle including date each bond will be paid in full. 3. Identify all projects, improvements and repairs made to Pennoyer property in excess of $50,000 since 1-1-2018 and the source of funds used to pay for such projects, improvements and repair | View Request | 1 hr |
9/8/2020 | Chudzik, Adam |
1.Copy of the signed certification for the $10.9 million bond sale referendum appearing on the November 2020 ballot, aka the "resolution providing for and requiring the submission of the proposition of issuing School Building Bonds to the voters of School District 79, Cook County, IL at the general election to be held on the 3rd day of November 2020, and any responses from the state and/or county confirming receipt of the resolution, 2. Any and all documents showing the estimated cost to property owners per dollar of assessed value for the same bond sale referndum in item#1. | View Request | 15 min |
9/8/2020 | Deloian, Ken | Purchasing Records from 3/6/2020 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
8/28/20 | Mora, Riccardo |
1. Identify all elected officials whose terms expire in 2021and all other open seats/vacancies for the 2021 election 2. Identify the length of term for each elected official 3. Identify the salaries and all benefits including medical, dental, life insurance, disability insurance, pension benefits and all other such benefits for all elected officials 4. A copy of the job description and qualifications for each of the elected officials 5. Identify the budget amount for fiscal year 2019-2020 | Clarification was requested on item#5 His clarification via email is "I would like the actual expenditures for fiscal year 201-2020." | View Request | 15 min |
8/11/2020 | Chudzik, Adam |
Board Packet from 8/12/2020 | View Request | 15 min |
7/3/2020 | Chudzik, Adam |
1. Board Packet for the 7/1/2020 Facilities Committee Meeting 2. A copy of the full and detailed Community Survey Results from EOSullivan if not already provieded in item #1. |
View Request | 15 min |
6/23/2020 | Ballis, George | 1. All estimates, work to be done, and/or statements of work (SOW) provided by EOConsulting. 2. All statements and/or bills paid including a description of the work done, the date of which the work was done and the date in which invoices were paid to EOConsulting. 3. Any and all contracts related to services provided by EOConsulting. 4. Copy of the board packet for the May 26th, 2020 Special Meeting. | View Request | 15 min |
6/17/2020 | Chudzik, Adam |
Records pertaining to the automated phone surveys currently being performed on behalf of the district including all questions being asked, name of the company or third party performing the surveys, any and all contracts or agreements for goods and services for these company(s), any and all invoices for services, including statements of work, any and all payments made including the date each check was paid. | View Request | 15 min |
5/28/2020 | Jonathan Fagg ABC7 | I request access to and a copy of information related to student attendance during the current period of remote learning. For this request, please provide a breakdown of attendance rates by school-by whatever measures your district is tracking engagement- as well as details of how attendance is being tracked in this period. Please provide information broken down by school in your district from when remote learning began until the most current date available upon production. | View Request | 15 min |
3/9/2020 | Smyser, Katy |
We are surveying every public and private school in the greater Chicago area and northwest Indiana, on issues concerning potential local cases of Coronavirus, and I am hoping that Pennoyer School District 79 can be a part of this survey. We would greatly appreciate your responses to twelve brief questions at this link: |
View Request | 15 min |
3/3/2020 | Kranjcec, Ivan | Purchasing Records from 11/30/2019 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30 min |
2/6/2020 |
Ballis, George | Please provide a copy of the letter received in December 2019 from the IL State Library , that was sent by the IL Secretary of State, Jesse White, regarding the $750 granted to District 79 | View Request |
15 min |
2/5/2020 |
Mihelich, Nathan | Please provice the name and email address of any certified staff (teachers, administrators, nurses, counselors, etc) who are retiring this year | View Request |
15 min |
1/30/2020 |
Kim, Katie | District's education technology program as it relates to student learning on school-issued devices such as an iPad or Chromebook. I am requesting any and all written agreements and/or contracts between Pennoyer and companies that provide content filtering and monitoring software for school district-issued devices for students, including (but not limited to) Bark, Securly, Go Guardian, etc; and documents sufficient to show policies and guidelines for school district -issued devices for students | View Request |
30 min |
11/26/2019 |
Simpson, Bethany | Purchasing Records from 8/21/2019 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request |
30 min |
11/4/2019 |
Deloian, Olivia | 1. The number of vaping related confiscations, by year since 2017 to date. 2. The number of students who were dsciplined or censured in any way for a vaping related incident, by year since 2017 to date. 3. Please break down the different disciplinary and censuring categories (i.e. suspensions, counseling, expulsions, etc) for vaping related incidents; and the numbers of student who fell into each, by year since 2017 to date. 4. The number of students arrested on campus for vaping related incidents, by year since 2017 to date. 5. List the different programs implanted by your district (i.e. distributing educational information to student, parent night education, vaoe detection devices, zero tolerance program etc.). | View Request |
15 min |
10/4/19 |
Chudzik, Adam |
The records I am seeking are as follows: 1. Any communications or related documents concerning consolidation discussions taking place between District 79 and other school districts in Norridge and/or outside Norridge. 2. any communications or related documents or related documents concerning consolidation discussions taking place between District 79 and school districts based in Park Ridge and/or Rosemont that were not already provided in item#1. | View Request |
15 min |
10/2/19 |
Ballis, George | I would like to request any and all emails, correspondence or transcripts of any meetings regarding 101st Illinois General assembly HB3053. | View Request |
15 min |
9/26/19 |
Ballis, George | 1. Copies of all transcripts of any and all conversations/meetings regarding school district consolidation within Norridge. 2. Copies of contracts with any consultants interviewed and or hired to conduct any one of the following tasks: Forming a Feasibility Study or possibly handle the process of gathering date (sic) for a school district consoilidation. 3. A list of the committee members that participate in consolidation discussions. | View Request |
15 min |
9/19/19 |
Galloway, Keith F. | An emailed PDF of the transportation contract(s) with your current transportation vendor(s) | View Request |
15 min |
9/19/19 |
Wallk, Anthony | Copy of the Submitted Weekly Certified Payroll from the "Main Office Remodel" for Contractor Kandu Construction Inc. | View Request |
15 min |
9/6/19 |
Mullins-Blazo, Karen | "I am asking the Open Records Act/Freedom of Information Act for a copy of the contract with all services and pricing for Pennoyer School District 79, 5200 N Cumbrland, Norridge, IL 60706 for Campus Suites for the district's website. | View Request | 15min |
8/29/19 |
Chudzik, Adam |
1. List the names of each employee (including part time and temporary employees), job title/position, type of health care/dental plan, ALL compensation for each employee including but not limited to: base salary or hourly rate, any and stipends including description of each stipend, hours/days earned for vacation and/or sick time, employee paid health care preminums, employer paid health care premiums, vehicle allowances, clothing allowances, description and cost of any other allowances, holiday buy backs, sick buy backs, employee portion of TRS pension payment, employer matches of any pension including any TRS payments on behalf of employee, life insurance, short term disability, long term disability, medicare, social security, employee paid IMRF pension payments, employer paid IMRF pension payments, amounts and descriptions of any other compensation types. This information is preferred in an Excel spreadsheet. 2. Student enrollment at Pennoyer as of 8/29/2019 | View Request | 45min |
8/20/19 |
Simpson, Bethany | Purchasing Records from 5/14/19 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30min |
5/14/19 |
Simpson, Bethany | Purchasing Records from 8/29/18 through current 1. Purchase Order. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number. 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. | View Request | 30min |
3/26/19 |
Deloian, Olivia | 1. Please provide me with documents showing which school buildings in your district each have a storm shelter that meets the minimum requirements of the ICC/NSSA Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters (ICC-500) [publishes jointly by the International Code Council and the National Storm Shelter Association and available at], including the location of each shelter relative to its assigned school building. Pennoyer does not have a storm shelter. 2. For those school buildings in Pennoyer School District 79 that do not have a storm shelter that meets the minimum requirements described above, please provide me with documents showing how and where the children in each of those school buildings are to be sheltered, in case of a tornado emergency, including the location of each shelter relative to its assigned school building. Please see the attached document. | View Request |
15min |
2/28/19 |
Garcia, Selena | "I am requesting to view the contract the district has for outsourced vendor custodial services in accordance to the Freedom of Information Act." | View Request |
15min |
2/1/19 |
Mora, Riccardo |
1. Identify the business manager and salary for each of the last 8 fiscal years beginning with the current fiscal year 2018-19 | View Request |
15min |
1/15/19 |
IRTA-Mihelich, Nathan | Records Requested: Please provide the name and email address of all teachers or administrators who are retiring in 2019. | View Request |
15min |
12/16/18 | Reynolds, Jeff | 1. Provide a copy of the board agenda packets including all attachments for the December 12, 2018 board meting | View Request | 15min |
12/5/18 |
Simpson, Bethany | Purchasing Records from 2018-08-29 to current:1.Purchase Order Number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance or check number, 2. Purchase date, 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase), 4. Line item quantity, 5. Line item price, 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email addresses | View Request |
30min |
11/13/18 | Reynolds, Jeff | 1. Provide a copy of the names of all Board of Education members, each members'starting date, and expiry of each member's current term | View Request |
15min |
10/16/18 |
Chudzik, Adam |
1. The board packets for the 10/1/18 facilities committee meeting, and the 10/10/18 board meeting | View Request |
30min |
10/9/18 |
Reynolds, Jeff | 1. Copy of the district's response to FOIA sent by Vincent Caruso on 8/15/2018 including all replies. 2.Copy of the district's responses to FOIA sent by Andrew Nelms on 8/16/2018 including all replies | View Request |
15min |
9/17/18 |
Mora, Riccardo |
1. Acopy of all emails sent by superintendent Kristin Kopta since August 1, 2018 related to school consolidation. 2. A copy of all emails received by superintendent Kristin Kopta since August 1, 2018 related to school consolidation. | View Request |
30min |
9/14/18 |
Caruso, Vincent | Aug 15, 2018 request:Requested information includes (i) allinvoices and/or vendor receipts concerning any paid services provided by George K. Baum & Company and anyone professionally affiliated with that firm, (ii) all email correspondence both involving and mentioning George K. Baum & Company, Paul Hanley, and any affliate or employee of George K. Baum & Company, and (iii) all invoices and/or vendor receipts dating between 2013 and 2018 for which Pennoyer School District 79 commissioned paid services involving communications, polling, surveying, media or public relations concerning the favorability or feasibilty of any tax proposal and any matter of public policy-September 14, 2018 Request:"It seems as though the first ans third item included in my FOIA request, concerning invoices and/or vendor receipts, was not furnished in your reply. Your response will be considered incomplete until the request is furnished in full. | View Request |
10min |
9/13/18 |
Chudzik, Adam |
1. The board packet for the 9/12/18 board meeting, plus any and all information concerning item 6F "Consolidation Inforamtion", including the documents the board was asked to look at that were not available due to technical difficulties. | View Request |
30min |
8/27/18 |
Simpson, Bethany | For any all purchasing records from 2013-01-01 to current. 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e. invoice, encumberance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed escription of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name address, contact person and their address | View Request |
30min |
8/23/18 |
Williams, Mike |
A copy of all Past and Present contracts for Superintendent Kristin Kopta | View Request |
15min |
8/22/18 |
Chudzik, Adam |
For fiscal years 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018: 1. The amount paid by the school district on behalf of Superintendent Kristin Kopta to the IL Teachers' Retirement Sysytem (TRS) pension fund. 2. The total amount paid by Superintendent Kristin Kopta to the IL Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) pension fund, excluding any amounts paid by the district in item #1. 3. The total amount paid by the school district on behalf of Superintendent Kristin Kopta to the Teacher Health Insurance Security Fund (THIS) health fund. 4. The total amount paid by Superintendent Kristin Kopta to the Teacher Health Insurance Fund (THIS) health fund, excluding any amounts paid by the district in item #3 | View Request |
30min |
8/16/2018 |
Nelms, Andrew | All records relevant to the District's efforts to comply with 30 ILCS 352/21 (b), the Bond Issuance Notification Act ("the Act), from the bond referendum placed on the ballot by the District in the March, 2018 Primary Election. This request includes communications to/from/among/between District officials/employees/others dicussing the Act and the discussion/development of what is required by the Act. | View Request |
30min |
8/16/18 |
Mora, Riccardo | 1. A copy of all postings for the Assistant Principal and Dean of Students in 2018 2. Identify the qualifications/requirements for the postions of Assistant Principal and Dean of Students 3. Identify the salary and benefits of Assistant Principal and Dean of Students 4. A copy of all applications for the positions of Assistant Principal and Dean of Students | View Request |
30min |
8/15/18 |
Caruso, Vincent | Requested information includes (i) allinvoices and/or vendor receipts concerning any paid services provided by George K. Baum & Company and anyone professionally affiliated with that firm, (ii) all email correspondence both involving and mentioning George K. Baum & Company, Paul Hanley, and any affliate or employee of George K. Baum & Company, and (iii) all invoices and/or vendor receipts dating between 2013 and 2018 for which Pennoyer School District 79 commissioned paid services involving communications, polling, surveying, media or public relations concerning the favorability or feasibilty of any tax proposal and any matter of public policy | View Request |
30min |
8/9/18 |
Chudzik, Adam |
1. The board packet for thew 8/8/18 board meeting 2. The Superintendent's contract approved at the same meeting in item#1 | View Request |
30min |
8/7/18 |
Smyser, Katie | 1. Records sufficient to show all cases where Pennoyer School District 79 paid a plaintiff or plaintiffs-by verdict, settlement or satisfaction-as the result of sexual misconduct or sex/gender discrimination claim, from January 1, 2008 to the present. Sexual misconduct and discrimination claims can include (but are not limited to) allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, statutory rape, indecent exposure, obscenity, forcible sodomy, forcible fondling, disparate impact, retaliation related to sex or gender discrimination or misconduct, Illinois gender violence, and/or other sex-gender-related allegations. The records should include a case number; name of party paid; payment amount; fees and costs (if kept separately); the allegations in the case, and the specific department, agency, and or individual(s) involved in the litigation The records should also show all money paid to outside counsel in each case, including pending cases and cases with no settlement or judgement. The records should also include information about settlements or payments that did not involve a court of law. No such records exist. 2. All records of separation agreements and/or payments to individuals who stopped working with Pennoyer School District 79 after being accused of sexual misconduct, harassment, or sex/gender discrimination. No such records exist. | View Request |
15min |
4/5/18 |
Bachman, James | Names, district email addresses and home addresses of your retirng Illinois educators for the current school year | View Request |
15min |
6/11/18 |
Cupples, Jim | 1. Who is the current superintendent; 2. When the current superintendent contract is due to end; and 3. What the length of the current superintendent contract is, using terms of years | View Request |
15min |
6/7/18 |
Caruso, Vincent | This request is seeking compensation records concerning the complete Pennoyer School District 79 staff, including annual salary, annuities, income derived from extra duties, and overtime payouts between school years 2011-2012 and 2017-2018. Information including name, job title, years of service, and labor union affiliation is also requested. | View Request | 10hrs |
4/15/18 |
Tovar Snow Professionals | Bid results and/or bid tabulation sheet for 2017-2018, 2016-2017 or most recent snow plowing & removal services RFP | View Request |
15min |
4/10/18 |
Kim, Katie | "I am requesting documents sufficient to show which schools in Pennoyer School District 79 have a school resource officer (SRO) assigned; and if there is an SRO in the school. I am also requesting documents showing all policies and guidelines for that school resource officer." | View Request |
15min |
4/5/18 | Mbekeani-Wiley, Michelle | 1. How many School Resource Officers are employed in your school district? 2. Please provide the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or any agreement that you have with the police department that provides you with a School Resource Officer. | View Request | 15min |
3/21/18 | Chudzik, Adam |
An Excel spreadsheet for School Year 2017-2018 showing ALL compensation for ALL employees. The document should include the following: Name, job/title, annual salary or hourly rate, which health care/dental plan(s) the employee is signed up for (ex: PPO individual, HMO family, etc) whether has a vehicle allowance, hours earned for vacation and sick, as well as cost to the District for each employee, in dollars, for each of the following: employee's health care plan premiums, vehicle allowances, clothing allowances, description and cost of any other allowances, holiday buy backs, sick day buy backs, holiday buy backs, pension, life insurance, short term disability, long term disability, employer matches of any pensions, medicare, social security. | View Request | 7hrs |
3/6/18 | Biancardi, John | " I'm requesting electronic records for the 2017 bid for the school district's milk business." | View Request | 15min |
3/5/18 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. Identify the value of the property within District 79 for levy purposes along with all supporting documents and the office in which those documents were issued. 2. A copy of the ballot question for the 2 outstanding bonds and the dates in which the voters voted in favor of such bonds. 3. A copy of the minutes in which the issuance of the 2 outstanding bonds were voted upon. | View Request | 5hrs |
3/2/18 | Chudzik, Adam |
1. A copy of the Pennoyer School District 79 Educational Master Facilities Plan from DLA Architects | View Request | 1hr |
2/16/18 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. Identify the type of mailing list and all instructions to JS Printing regarding the approximate 1,977 fliers mailed as to who would receive the flier and who would not receive the flier, e.g., all registered voters in District 79, only those who voted in a particular election identifying which election, female voters only, male voters only and any age requirements to receive or not to receive the flier in question. 2. A copy of all fliers prepared to mail or hand out to the community prior to the election. 3. Identify all plans for future mailings or hand outs for the upcoming election. | View Request | 3hrs |
2/14/18 | Mora, Riccardo | On 2/14/2018-Received an email from Riccardo Mora regarding the response to the February 8, 2018 FOIA Request His request is "I have visited Pennoyer website, under referendum information there are 5 drop downs, I can also see 22 pics underbulding inspiration and a pic of new academic wing plan, but I don't see anything that resembles a flier" | 15min | |
2/14/18 | Mora, Riccardo | "1. Identify all outstanding bonds, amount, date of issue, payment schedule and when each bond will be paid in full. 2. Identify the cost of the new gym in 2001 and source of revenue for payment. 3. Identify the costs of new offices in 2001 and source of revenue payment. 4. Identify the day in which flier regarding the referendum was mailed." | View Request | 3hrs |
2/12/18 | Supporters of SD79 | "1. A copy of all FOIA requests to the District and responses since January 2018. 2. All documentation (electronic or paper) of any budget reduction plan(s) since January 2018" | View Request | 1hr |
2/10/18 | Chudzik, Adam |
"1. A copy of the plans/drawings/illustrations for the planned rebuild/expansion of Pennoyer school if the $25 million dollar referendum passes 2. The name of any and all companies that did the work in Item#1 3.Any and all dollar amounts paid to the companies in Item#1 in calendar years 2017 and 2018 as of the date of this FOIA | View Request | 1hr |
2/8/18 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. "A copy of all fliers, literature, documents sent to parents and residents of district 79 regarding the bond questin on the March 2018 ballot 2. Identify the cost of mailing, printing and postage for mailer 3. Identify the number of fliers mailed or in the process of mailing" | View Request | 1hr |
2/6/18 | Mora, Riccardo | 1. "Identify all referendums for the March 2018 election for Pennoyer school district 79 in Norridge IL 2.A copy of all paperwork filed with the Clerk's office in regards to the March 2018 referendum 3. A copy of the minutes in which the vote was taken for the March 2018 refendum" | View Request | 1hr |
1/22/18 | IRTA-Mihelich | Records Requested: Please provide the name and email address of all teachers or administrators who are retiring in 2018. | View Request | 15min |
11/29/17 | Cerrone, Nick | Copies of all current contracts for fire alarm and burglar alarm, monitoring, inspections and service | View Request | 30min |
10/2/17 | Allen, Kirk | 1. A copy of all debt currently held by the School District in any form to include but not limited to, lines of credit, financial institution, bonds credit card 2. A copy of all payment structures for the debt that reflects principal payment, interest payment, and time frame of those obligations. 3. A copy of all compensation provided to the Superintendent.4. A copy of the Superintendents employment contract. 5. A copy of the minutes and agenda where the Superintendents contract was approved. | View Request | 3hrs |
8/24/17 | IRTA-Mihelich | All email addresses of all teachers and administrators in your district | View Request | 30min |