Math Curriculum

Course Purpose and Outcomes

Kindergarten  |  1st Grade  |  2nd Grade 3rd Grade

4th Grade  |  5th Grade  |  6th Grade  |  7th Grade  |  8th Grade


Course Purpose:

Students will connect numbers to quantities, use numbers to represent and relate, and compose and decompose numbers as they develop number sense.  Students will use geometric ideas and spatial reasoning to describe their physical world.

Outcome #


M.K.1 Students will count, represent, compare, and write numbers 0-10.
M.K.2 Students will count, represent, and write numbers 11-20.
M.K.3 Students will count to 100 within the known sequence.
M.K.4 Students will relate addition to putting together and adding to, while using multiple strategies.
M.K.5 Students will relate subtraction to taking apart and taking from, while using multiple strategies.
M.K.6 Students will use two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes to describe objects and positions of objects in their world.
M.K.7 Students will describe measurable attributes of objects in their world in order to compare objects with common attributes and classify objects into categories.
M.K.8 Students will use foundational place value concepts to relate numbers 11-19.

1st Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will use numbers to represent, solve, and apply the properties and relationship of addition and subtraction with use of place value to solve problems. Students will fluently add and subtract within 20 as they extend the counting sequence.

Outcome #


M.1.1 Students will add within 20 using a variety of strategies.
M.1.2 Students will subtract within 20 using a variety of strategies.
M.1.3 Students will demonstrate sense of numbers 0-120 by  counting, representing amounts with written numbers, and showing number patterns in skip counting.
M.1.4 Students will analyze the place value of two-digit numbers, to determine the meaning of digits in two-digit numbers and compare numbers.
M.1.5 Students will apply addition and subtraction strategies to add and subtract within 100.
M.1.6 Students will use analog and digital clocks to write and tell time and identify and count collections of coins and bills up to $1.00.

Students will compare, order, and measure the lengths of objects using other objects and nonstandard units of measure.

M.1.8 Students will distinguish between defining and non-defining attributes, compose two-dimensional  and three-dimensional shapes, and partition two-dimensional shapes into equal shares.
M.1.9 Students will organize, represent, and interpret data in tally charts and pictographs and use the data to ask and answer questions to include how many in each category and how many more and how many less.

2nd Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will apply place value concepts to the base-ten system in working with multi-digit numbers. Students will select and apply strategies to develop fluency with addition and subtraction within 100.

Outcome #


M.2.1 Students will show patterns in the counting sequence with skip counting and use place value to read, write, and compare numbers to 1,000.
M.2.2 Students will apply multiple strategies to solve addition problems within 100.
M.2.3 Students will apply multiple strategies to solve subtraction problems within 100.
M.2.4 Students will apply multiple strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems within 1,000.
M.2.5 Students will add and subtract fluently with 20 and add and subtract 10 or 100 mentally within 1,000.
M.2.6 Students will analyze equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication.
M.2.7 Students will read and write time using a.m. and p.m. from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes and solve word problems involving money.
M.2.8 Students will measure and estimate lengths in standard units and solve problems involving lengths.
M.2.9 Students will represent data, including length data, using line plots, pictographs, and bar graphs.
M.2.10 Students will analyze two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes for their attributes and use shapes to explore equal shares.

3rd Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will use multiplication and division strategies and the relationship between multiplication and division to solve problems within 100.

Outcome #


M.3.1 Students will round, estimate, add, and solve problems within 1,000 using a variety of strategies.
M.3.2 Students will estimate, subtract, and solve problems within 1,000 using a variety of strategies.
M.3.3 Students will read, create, and interpret picture graphs, bar graphs, and line plots.
M.3.4 Students will represent and solve problems involving multiplication using multiplication strategies and properties.
M.3.5 Students will represent and solve problems involving division using division strategies and properties.
M.3.6 Students will solve multi-step word problems using the four operations.
M.3.7 Students will determine the area of two-dimensional shapes and apply concepts of area measurement.
M.3.8 Students will calculate area using unit squares and the operations of multiplication and addition in real world contexts.
M.3.9 Students will calculate the perimeter of two-dimensional figures and distinguish between linear and area measures.
M.3.10 Students will express parts of a whole as a fraction and place them on a number line.
M.3.11 Students will express parts of a whole as a fraction and place them on a number line.
M.3.12 Students will show that different shapes may share attributes and can be placed into different categories.
M.3.13 Students will solve problems involving elapsed time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.

4th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will use the four operations in multi-step processes, including two-digit by two-digit multiplication, long division, and equivalent fractions.

Outcome #


M.4.1 Students will use place value concepts to compare, order, round, add, and subtract numbers to 1,000,000.
M.4.2 Students will solve multiplicative comparison word problems.
M.4.3 Students will multiply one-digit numbers by four-digit numbers using various strategies.
M.4.4 Students will multiply two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using various strategies.
M.4.5 Students will use the area and perimeter formulas to find unknown sides of rectangles and solve problems with real world contexts.
M.4.6 Students will divide four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers using various strategies.
M.4.7 Students will list multiples and factors of numbers up to 100 and determine if a given number is a common factor or multiple of two numbers.
M.4.8 Students will classify, construct, and measure angles.
M.4.9 Students will classify triangles and quadrilaterals and identify and draw lines of symmetry.
M.4.10 Students will compare and order fractions with different numerators and different denominators.
M.4.11 Students will add and subtract fractions with like denominators and solve word problems with real world contexts.
M.4.12 Students will add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators.
M.4.13 Students will multiply a fraction by a whole number and solve word problems with real world contexts.
M.4.14 Students will connect denominators of 10 and 100 to tenths and hundredths to convert, compare, and order decimals.
M.4.15 Students will solve measurement word problems involving various real world contexts and interpret, select, and create a visual display to show a set of data.
M.4.16 Students will interpret, select, and create a visual display to show a set of data.

5th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will solve problems involving fractions, decimals, and volume using the four operations.

Outcome #


M.5.1 Students will compare and round decimals to the thousandths place and justify the patterns when multiplying numbers by powers of ten using exponents.
M.5.2 Students will write, evaluate, and compare numerical expressions.
M.5.3 Students will divide 4-digit dividends by 2-digit divisors and illustrate or explain the calculation.
M.5.4 Students will add and subtract decimals to the hundredths place and solve problems involving real world contexts.
M.5.5 Students will multiply decimals by whole numbers and decimals by decimals explaining the reasoning behind their solution.
M.5.6 Students will divide decimals by whole numbers using a variety of strategies  and explain the reasoning behind their solution.
M.5.7 Students will add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators.
M.5.8 Students will multiply fractions by fractions and fractions by whole numbers and explain the relationship of the product to the factors.
M.5.9 Students will divide unit fractions by non-zero whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions and solve problems involving real world contexts.
M.5.10 Students will locate and plot points in quadrant one of the coordinate plane and interpret the values of the points in real life and mathematical contexts.
M.5.11 Students will convert between smaller units of measure to larger units with the customary and/or metric system and create line plots to display data to solve multi-step, real world problems.
M.5.12 Students will classify two dimensional figures by their properties into hierarchical categories.
M.5.13 Students will calculate the volume of right rectangular prisms using various strategies, including problems with real world contexts.
M.5.14 Students will multiply multi-digit whole numbers fluently using the standard algorithm and apply to real world contexts.

6th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will calculate and apply operations with positive rational numbers. Students will relate multiplication and division to ratios and proportional relationships. Students will construct and evaluate expressions and generate and solve equations.

Outcome #


M.6.1 Students will calculate sums, differences, products, and quotients fluently with positive rational numbers and apply these operations to real world contexts.
M.6.2 Students will calculate sums, differences, products, and quotients fluently with positive decimals and apply these operations to real world contexts.
M.6.3 Students will compare and order rational numbers to show the relationship between the number system and the real world.
M.6.4 Students will represent different locations on the coordinate plane in all four quadrants and apply this to real world contexts.
M.6.5 Students will generate and compare ratios to solve problems and apply to real world contexts.
M.6.6 Students will solve percent problems and use proportional reasoning to solve problems in real world contexts.
M.6.7 Students will write numeric expressions to represent quantities.
M.6.8 Students will write algebraic expressions to represent quantities and determine if expressions are equivalent.
M.6.9 Students will write and solve equations to solve real world problems. Students will define inequalities and graph the solution set on a number line.
M.6.10 Students will calculate area, surface area, and volume using formulas and apply this to real world contexts.
M.6.11 Students will differentiate between independent and dependent variables to write an equation.

Students will calculate measures of center and spread.


Students will construct histograms, line plots, and box plots.


Students will analyze measures of center and variability of given data.

7th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will calculate and apply operations with rational numbers to solve real word problems. Students will apply algebraic concepts to solve one-step and two-step equations with rational numbers and apply to real world contexts.

Outcome #


M.7.1 Students will calculate sums and differences of integers and apply them to real world contexts.
M.7.2 Students will calculate sums and differences of rational numbers and apply them to real world contexts. 
M.7.3 Students will calculate products and quotients of integers and rational numbers and apply these rules to real world contexts.
M.7.4 Students will examine given relationships of multiple representations to determine if they are proportional.
M.7.5 Students will solve multistep percent problems using proportions and apply them to real world contexts. 
M.7.6 Students will simplify expressions with rational numbers.
M.7.7 Students will write and solve equations with rational numbers to apply them to real world contexts.
M.7.8 Students will define the variable to write and solve inequalities with rational numbers and interpret the solutions to real world contexts.
M.7.9 Students will solve area, surface area, and volume problems including composite figures and apply it to real world contexts.
M.7.10 Students will solve problems involving circles and apply it to real world contexts.
M.7.11 Students will analyze angle diagrams to solve multi-step problems.
M.7.12 Students will compare data distributions and make inferences about the given populations.
M.7.13 Students will solve probability problems and create simulations to calculate probabilities.

8th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will construct and solve multi-step linear equations to apply to real world contexts. Students will construct and solve systems of equations to apply to real world contexts. Students will construct  and compare multiple representations of functions.

Outcome #



Students will construct and analyze transformations of congruent figures. 


Students will construct and analyze transformations of similar figures.


Students will explain, interpret, and calculate slope.

M.8.4 Students will analyze and graph proportional and nonproportional relationships and apply real world contexts.
M.8.5 Students will analyze multiple representations of functions and apply functions to real word contexts.
M.8.6 Students will investigate and use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve mathematical problems and problems in real world contexts.
M.8.7 Students will determine the volume formula for three dimensional figures and use the formulas to calculate the volume of three dimensional figures in real world contexts.
M.8.8 Students will create and solve multi-step linear equations with rational numbers and apply them to real world contexts.
M.8.9 Students will solve systems of linear equations graphically and algebraically.
M.8.10 Students will analyze angle relationships created by parallel lines cut by a transversal and use triangle theorems to solve problems in real world contexts.

Students will create and analyze scatter plots and two-way tables.

M.8.12 Students will analyze real numbers to apply them to algebraic and abstract contexts.
M.8.13 Students will use the properties of integer exponents to generate equivalent numerical expressions.
M.8.14 Students will analyze and calculate numbers in scientific notation and apply them to real world contexts.