Art Club

What is Art Club?
Art Club is a place for students to practice a variety of art skills, develop new art-making techniques, collaborate with others, and work on art projects. Students will have the opportunity to work with materials that are not typically used in the general education art classroom. Come join our creative crew!!
Who Can Join?
This club is open to middle school students (6th-8th graders). If there is room for more students, Ms. Wood will open the club to 5th graders as well.
When & Where?
Art Club meets once a week on Thursdays after school from 3:00pm-4:00pm in the Art Room (103). The first Art Club for the 2022-2023 school year will be October 19th and will continue to meet weekly through the remainder of the school year. Students will be given a code to join the Art Club Google Classroom page for week to week updates and reminders.
Sponsor Information
Alana Wood is the director of Art Club. Feel free to contact her at any time with questions at