6:145 Instruction-Migrant Students

Pennoyer School District #79    6:145

Migrant Students 
The Superintendent will develop and implement a program to address the needs of migrant children in the District.
This program will include a means to:
1.    Identify migrant students and assess their educational and related health and social needs.
2.    Provide a full range of services to migrant students through appropriate local, State and federal educational programs, including applicable Title I programs, special education, gifted education, vocational education, language programs, counseling programs, and elective classes.
3.    Provide migrant children with full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet.
4.    Provide advocacy and outreach programs to migrant children and their families and professional development for District staff.
5.    Provide programs, activities, and procedures for the engagement of parents/guardians and family members of migrant students in an understandable format and language.
Migrant Education Program for Parent/Guardian and Family Member Engagement
Parents/guardians and family members of migrant students will be involved in and regularly consulted about the development, implementation, operation, and evaluation of the migrant program.
Parents/guardians and family members of migrant students will receive instruction regarding their role in improving the academic achievement of their children.

LEGAL REF.:    20 U.S.C. §6318.
    20 U.S.C. §6391 et seq.
34 C.F.R. §200.80 et seq.
CROSS REF.:    6:170 (Title I Programs)
First Read: October 11, 2017
Adopted: November 8, 2017